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The possible outcomes in the table
are listed in their order of priority. For example, if runtime error has
occured, then output is not checked. Evaluation process may be stopped several
minutes before the end of the contest. All runs submitted after this moment will
be evaluated after the end of the contest. The outcomes of their evaluation will
not be reported to the team. The Jury will publish all submitted runs after the
end of the contest. The Jury will publish the official test set that was used to
evaluate contestants' solutions after the end of the contest.
Scoring of the contest
The problem is considered solved by the team, if it is accepted by the contest
software, not rejected by the Jury, and the hardcopy of acceptance is issued.
The time consumed for a solved problem is the time elapsed from the beginning of
the contest to the submission of the first accepted run for this problem (in
minutes) plus 20 minutes for every other run for this problem before the
accepted one. For an unsolved problem no time consumed is computed. The total
time is the sum of the time consumed for each problem solved. Teams are ranked
according to the number of solved problems. Teams that solve the same number of
problems are ranked by the least total time and, if need be, by the earliest
time of submittal of the last accepted run. Contestants and observers will see
preliminary results of all teams during the contest. Contestants may see the
results on their computers, observers - on the monitor outside the competition
area. According to the traditions of the competition, to encourage interest in
the award ceremony, updating of the current information on results will be
stopped half hour before the end of the contest and will be available only 5
minutes after the end.
Need For Speed Contest
You must solve 10~11
problems in one hour!
IO Contest (input-output)
You will be given only problems input and output
(4~5 samples), no problem statements!
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