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The problems will be available in PDF format, so please install Acrobat Reader (you can download it from here).

From Now On Our Contests Will Be Held In 2 Divisions. In the second division problems will be more easier,than in the first! Before the contest the contestant can choose his division. Taking part in both divisions is not allowed!

Conduct of the contest

Each run is judged as accepted or rejected. The run is evaluated by executing it on a secret set of tests, common for all teams. A run is accepted, only if it gives correct answers to all tests. Evaluation is performed automatically, that is why a program should respect formats of input and output files described in the problem statement. If not explicitly stated otherwise, all input data are considered to be correct and satisfying all restrictions from the problem statement. The time limit is the maximum execution time per one test. The memory limit is the maximum amount of memory that a run may utilize. In each problem statement time and memory limits will be specified. A run is not accepted, if the program exceeds these limits. As soon as the run in evaluated, a team receives a message with the evaluation results. This message will be shown on the screen and duplicated on a run envelope. A team is informed whether the run is accepted or not. If the run is rejected, the cause of the rejection is reported to the team together with the number of the test case that the submission failed to pass. All tests cases are numbered from 1. The first test cases in the test set are the sample tests from the problem statement ordered in the same way as in problem statement. The following tests are ordered with the idea to make easier test cases come before harder ones, although no formalization of this principle is used. The possible outcomes are listed in the following table.
Outcome Test Comment Possible causes

Compilation error


Executable file was not created after compilation.
  • Syntax error in the program;
  • Wrong language specified for the program.
Time limit exceeded Yes The program exceeded the allowed time limit.
  • Inefficient solution;
  • Error in program.
Memory limit exceeded Yes The program exceeded the allowed memory limit.
  • Inefficient solution;
  • Error in program.
Security Violation Yes The program violates the contest rules.
  • Error in program;
  • Purposeful rules vioation (the violating team is disqualified in this case).
Runtime error Yes The program terminates with non-zero exit code or throws the uncaught Windows exception.
  • Runtime error;
  • No 'return 0' statement in C/C++ program;
  • 'return (non-zero)' statement in C/C++ main function;
  • 'halt(non-zero)' statement in Delphi;
  • 'System.exit(non-zero)' statement in Java;
  • Uncaught exception.
Presentation error Yes The contest software can not check output because it does not match the appropriate format.
  • Output format is not correct;
  • No output or wrong output file name.
Wrong answer Yes The answer is not correct.
  • The algorithm is not correct.
Accepted No Run is accepted.
  • The solution is correct.

The possible outcomes in the table are listed in their order of priority. For example, if runtime error has occured, then output is not checked. Evaluation process may be stopped several minutes before the end of the contest. All runs submitted after this moment will be evaluated after the end of the contest. The outcomes of their evaluation will not be reported to the team. The Jury will publish all submitted runs after the end of the contest. The Jury will publish the official test set that was used to evaluate contestants' solutions after the end of the contest.

Scoring of the contest

The problem is considered solved by the team, if it is accepted by the contest software, not rejected by the Jury, and the hardcopy of acceptance is issued. The time consumed for a solved problem is the time elapsed from the beginning of the contest to the submission of the first accepted run for this problem (in minutes) plus 20 minutes for every other run for this problem before the accepted one. For an unsolved problem no time consumed is computed. The total time is the sum of the time consumed for each problem solved. Teams are ranked according to the number of solved problems. Teams that solve the same number of problems are ranked by the least total time and, if need be, by the earliest time of submittal of the last accepted run. Contestants and observers will see preliminary results of all teams during the contest. Contestants may see the results on their computers, observers - on the monitor outside the competition area. According to the traditions of the competition, to encourage interest in the award ceremony, updating of the current information on results will be stopped half hour before the end of the contest and will be available only 5 minutes after the end.

Need For Speed Contest

You must solve 10~11 problems in one hour!
IO Contest (input-output)
You will be given only problems input and output (4~5 samples), no problem statements!

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